EXIT festival has been working on promoting mental health awareness for years – both the mental health care of their employees, as well as festival visitors. The recognition of this important issue makes us pioneers in the festival industry and we deeply believe that, when it comes to mental health, a new era has begun.
People who work in creative industries are continually exposed to stress due to the particular nature of this work. Statistics confirm this, stating that around 75% of people working in the festival industry had at some point experienced anxiety, depression, burn-out, or stress-related health issues.
For some time we have been creating a context in which all the people we employ and hire will be able to work in pleasant conditions and work atmosphere, which is the main responsibility of our Well-Being sector. Additionally, at any moment during the year, our employees will receive psychological and emotional support, for which we have mental health professionals with years of experience.
During the festival, our team of professionals is joined by several psychologists and psychotherapists, in order to cover all potential needs and take care of people. People care refers to both the people from the organization, as well as performers, should the need arise.